The amount of information you get about each Orc once you've revealed its vulnerabilities can feel almost overwhelming, but you quickly adapt to the game's shorthand and what traits to look out for. The number of fears, special abilities, and beneficial powers are much more robust than the first game, making it important to find a strategic approach to taking down some of the game's more powerful foes. Like its predecessor, Shadow of War is populated by powerful Orc Captains that have specific strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits defined by the game's Nemesis system. And, in a way, this example represents the full arc of the game: off-putting in the beginning, disappointing in the end, but seeing how they explain it all is an exciting ride. The game explains her mysterious human form in time, and while fans of Lord of the Rings lore might have trouble embracing this unique interpretation of Tolkien storytelling, it shows that Shadow of War is a game that's willing to take risks with its source material. You'll then learn that she's a version of Shelob, a giant deadly spider creature. This results in a game which plays part RTS and part action RPG while giving you plenty of enemies and allies in this process as you progress through the story.One of the first people you meet in Middle-earth: Shadow of War is a woman with midnight black hair and a dress torn in intentionally strategic locations. Shadow of War is the sequel to Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and it features a large world map with new invasion mechanics while utilizing the same Nemesis system that has been used in Shadow of Mordor. The PS4 version of the game takes less than 70 GB with the patch installed for it compared to the PC version.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War is also available on the PS4 and Xbox One but the install size is rather small on these platforms. The console versions are smaller – in the ~70GB range once you've added the 4K video. This download size doesn’t contain any 4K assets so unlike Forza Motorsport 7, it is a case of bloated file size related to the various language files that are included in this pre-load. Middle-Earth: Shadow of War pre-load will require you to download 97 GB of data as the image below reveals. In addition to the reviews, the pre-load for the game is also up on PC and the download size for it is rather ridiculous for a game that uses pre-rendered videos for in-game cutscenes. Middle-Earth: Shadow of War will be released on Octobe 10th but the reviews for the game are already out.